Bad Jokes & Roasts Outside of the Pot

What did the fisherman say to the card magician?

“Pick a cod, any cod!”

Wow, that was painful to read, right?

The way you present your “first blog post” determines how basic you really are, right? It’s basically an introduction about how you drive to the local Starbucks everyday, purchase the same kind of Frappuccino, and never tip the barista because you are a real cheap bastard. It’s about telling the world you make jewelry for a living and sell it on Etsy. Do you think we ever hear about the part where your hand cramps only eighteen times a day? I didn’t think so.

Let’s skip the typical “first blog post omg lol” and get straight to the point.

My self- esteem is a rotten apple- it’s only gonna get worse, so you might as well throw it across the street to see if your pitching skills for the MLB have really improved or not. This technology hurts my brain, and I’m tired of always using devices. People need to chill out with the texting, tweeting, looking up to see if we can loose seventeen pounds before Michelle’s wedding tomorrow, snapping… the list could go on! We have way too much virtual interaction with each other.

Okay, quick bad joke break.

Who are cats going to vote for in November?

Hillary Kitten

I said a bunch of words back I was going to get straight to the point, right?

Well, points aren’t straight, they are circular. You know what else is circular? Cycles. Everyday, we have a cycle with our phones. We wake up, check every app on our phone to see who got pregnant, engaged, or got the shit beat out of them within eight hours, set the phone down and have a brain brawl between “should I actually get up and start this day” or “stay in bed all day?” You know what us humans do? We check our phones again! We post on facebook, “Should I get up and start the day or just stay in bed all day?”


No, we don’t, but we do it anyway because it’s a cycle- A POINT.

i R.A.N. – Is neither Iran (the country) or I ran (like running). It simply means DID YOU NOT READ THE NAME OF THE SITE YOU LAZY BUMS?

It’s not a movement or a tribe- It’s a way of change for myself. My path; my destiny is greater than that three a.m. meltdown on the futon with a bag of Lays potato chips and some poppy seed dressing (wut), or missing a meteor hit twenty feet away from where I’m standing because I was reading about Joe and Janelle’s breakup for the eighth time.

We miss out on so much. Well, I am not going to miss out, and neither is FLASH!mv5bmjewmjewotg4ov5bml5banbnxkftztcwndm2njc0mq-_v1_



Author: Hardcore Galore

I believe in success- therefore, I hustle and I grind with no time to unwind! I love living the life as a workaholic and I have dreams much too big for life itself.

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