Booze, Booze, Booza! 

I have successfully completed all my goals for this week – WRONG! I didn’t have any goals; I just went for the bronze. You’re probably wondering why I said bronze.  Well I’d rather get bronze then get gold first.  Now, I’m insane for saying that, right?  Everyone has to start somewhere.  If you start at gold,  what else is there to achieve?

I walked six days this week.  I didn’t count the time or miles, but I put the phone in my waistband, put my earphones in,  and turned on music that scrapes my soul (of what little there is left).  

I haven’t listened to Megadeath in awhile,  so when this song came on, it hit me like a ton of bricks! 

I craved songs from my former days, and there’s a sentimental attachment to Big Girls Don’t Cry.  

This song I had never heard before,  but I instantly fell for this song! K. E. definitely has some of the best songs in the business. The first time I heard about Killswitch Engage was back in my prime when wrestling meant everything to me.  

Excluding walking,  I also reduced my phone time by finishing American Horror Story: Hotel.  For those of you who have not had the great privilege to watch American Horror Story: Hotel,  It’s definitely a fucked up treat! People who didn’t care for it very well need to realize that the point the director was trying to get across was that life should be about art.  Art is love. Art can be portrayed in many different ways. American Horror Story: Hotel is an expressive art that not many people will understand, but I definitely recommend to give it a watch. 

I’m going to switch gears and just say,  you haven’t lived until you have had a professional massage.  I went to 5 Elements Massage & Wellness Center on Tuesday. This was my first professional massage,  and the only thing I can say is WOW!

I cannot believe the difference it makes-  an absolute total relaxation.  

My therapist, Lisa, was absolutely wonderful. For anyone that hasn’t experienced a pure feeling,  be sure to check out 5 Elements Massage & Wellness Center. 

My goofy,  relaxed self after the massage. 

Before I wrap up this week’s blog post,  here’s the cutest bottle of Seagrams. 

Don’t chase anything but drinks and dreams 

Author: Hardcore Galore

I believe in success- therefore, I hustle and I grind with no time to unwind! I love living the life as a workaholic and I have dreams much too big for life itself.

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